Jumat, 03 Desember 2010

The World is In Our Hand

The world is in our hand, people used this phrase to refer to something good or/and when they feel like able to do anything.

Back then, it was just an expression. People wouldn't believe if anyone says that someday it wont be just a phrase.

When mobile phone was an expensive and luxurious thing. It was just a catchphrase.

Nowadays, the world has gone smaller, from the round globe of 510.000.000 km2. Today, all you need is just a computer, laptop, mobile phone and internet connection. From 80 days to travel around the world, now its just take seconds.

Last night, i interact with people from Canada and Britain. We talked about snow, well, they talked about snow. I, on the other side of the globe never seen it before. This morning, i chatted with a couple of France. Well, i just watched them converse and i'm not even answering (they were talking in France). Few days ago, i talked with a Philippines with boundary like the limited English we speak.

I live in Bogor, a city near Jakarta, Indonesia capital, never even set foot on other Indonesian' island, within days have "traveled" around the world.

News also travels very fast. In the old days, to obtained news, the available media was only radio, then telephone. The problem is : it only able to reach certain audience. Most people get the news in the newspaper, which will give the detailed information. In the next morning.

Nowadays, people will see the headline within 140 character in their twitter timeline which contain a link that will lead to a website with the detailed info.

On the old days people will get information in the next morning, at best. Its the fastest way. Now, like i said, its will only take seconds.

"The World is Definitely in Our Hand"

Bogor. 03-12-2010

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