Beberapa waktu yang lalu, saya selalu mempertanyakan beberapa hal :
1. untuk apa saya hidup?
2. kemana tujuan saya?
a bit difficult to answers... but then i realize at some point, if i already what will i face everyday, then i cant enjoy the journey. i just will be prepare for what will happen. there is no surprise, there is no feeling. how will i feel about something i already now..
like winning a lottery but when you buy the ticket, you already know that you will win. Well.. you'll not be happy, u might be happy but not as happy as u got it as a surprise..
right now, i'm enjoying my journey...
hehehe...emang seru klo dah tw pa yg bakal terjdi di hidup kita..
BalasHapusmmm...satu sisi lo dah tw pa yg bakal terjadi..
tapi di satu sisi lo bisa prepare sm itu smua..
whoaaa..hidup itu ga se'simple' yg dipikirin ya..
bnyk kejadian yg ga bisa dijangkau sm logika..
akirnya kita hnya bisa tarik nafas dan m'hadapinya...berharp semua jadi lebih baik..
loch koq gw yg malah berfilosofi..