Senin, 16 Juni 2008

di awang-awang

agaknya akhir-akhir ini saya berada di level senang yang agak di atas rata-rata,,

alhamdulillah, setiap hal kecil rasanya jadi begitu berarti dan membuat hati senang..

yaah pastinya ada penyebabnya..

well, memang sesuatu yang berlebihan akan membuat kita merasa 'enek', sekarang saya sudah tidak di awang-awang lagi, itulah masalahnya di mulai...

hari ini yang memang mendung rasanya menjadi gelap..huhuhu(masih berlebihan). menghadapi pekerjaan yang sudah bisa saya lakukan dengan santai menjadi kembali tegang. rasanya masih lebih baik ada di posisi di atas awang-awang itu, paling tidak segalanya jadi lebih mudah.

tapi naik turun nya kehidupan seperti ini memang bisa membuat kita bersyukur ternyata kita masih punya 'rasa' sehingga bisa merasakan bahagia dan sedih, jika saya lupa rasanya sedih saya kira saya pun sudah tidak dapat merasakan kebahagiaan lagiih...

well i'm heaven right now.. and i dont wanna come down.. or at least trying to..

Kamis, 12 Juni 2008

is it a NEW beginning?

i know my life is just about to start but is it a NEW beginning that i'll be brave to face? or i will just run away just like what i did.
it is very demanding, challenging, but i am really afraid. if there is any time limit...

but i know that impossible we stick to time limit when we live in the world that have no time limit... i mean we have no idea when will we die, do we?

so we don't have any time limit in this world... in a second, in 5 minutes, ten years, 50 years later our time will be finish.. but everything ending is a new beginning.

i haven't own the courage to talk to people... when that is what i really need most. people i know. people i don't know it just i can't talk...

proven from the telephone call i accept from my future coach (hopefully) i am so nervous that i forget most of my vocabularies and i cannot spell anything well...

now, this is seems to be my real problem... my zero interpersonal skill...

Kamis, 05 Juni 2008

apaaa... yaaa??


Kata-kata itu sangat tepat menggambarkan perasaan saya sekarang...

menarik bagaimana kita dapat tidak mengetahui apa yang kita rasakan...

jika apa yang akan terjadi... itu memang misteri...

jika apa yang akan kita lakukan... semua orang terkadang tidak tahu...

akan tetapi apa yang kita rasakan...

bukankah seharusnya kita ketahui...







tidak suka...

apakah hal ini terjadi hanya pada saya....

ataukah memang bangsa ini sudah mulai mati rasa....

mungkin harus di populerkan satu kata baru...


Finally,, the last HaRRy PoTTer


This book is really the masterpiece of Harry Potter...

interesting how J.K. Rowling able to make it so harry potter.. uups.. i don't have another word to describe it.

the plot, the adventure, voldemort are united to make it the best Harry Potter, at least for me.

the most important character in this book is Snape of course beside Harry, Hermione, Ron and Voldemort.

then when Harry have to move from the Dursley's house... the idea of having so many harry is unique.. and Rowling keep giving us a uniqueness and new story of the wizarding world... Rowling also able to keep the wedding great. i feel sorry that the trio didn't go to school but there is no other options for them. Rowling doesn't forget to tell us how big the horxcrux' power so it can separated the trio... this separation makes us feel the emotional bonding..

well... i'll continue...